Monday, November 12, 2012


bursting with excitement,
agog over the implications of it…
heat in November

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The very personally appropriate OED word of the day for the erasure commentary is 'adither.'

Today's image is digital, as my paints are packed. This blog will be on hiatus while I'm traveling, but a sketchbook will follow!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


the young search
for the future

A place which has not changed
is no longer relevant

November Night

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The OED word of the day for the erasure commentary is 'time warp.'

Saturday, November 10, 2012

joy juice

kickapoo joy juice...
working on an innovative project

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The OED word of the day for the erasure commentary is 'skunk works.'

Friday, November 9, 2012


The sacred progress of age 
is the building

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The OED word of the day for the erasure commentary is 'naology,' which is the study of sacred buildings. Another day, another new word for our vocabulary from the lads in Oxford.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

spare me


attempts to play on our fears
and exploit our differences…

Spare me
. . . . . .

Being an equal opportunity dictionary, the OED word of the day for the erasure commentary is 'blue state.'

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


the color you have going...
how does it reach out
to captivate

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The OED word of the day for the erasure commentary is 'red state.' The Oxford lads inform us that its current usage only dates to a Matt Lauer reference to a color-coded map on the Today show during the 2000 election; in previous elections the use of red and blue had been switched. This helps me feel less idiotic when I am momentarily discombobulated about which is which.

Larger image on Flickr, where I note how strangely comforting I find it, as if this window seat were at grandmother's house.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


today is unknown

a vacuum of Free Power

in a pattern

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The Oxford lads had a good laugh today: the OED word of the day for the erasure poem | commentary is 'chad.' Strangely, the word 'hanging' did not appear in the citations.

Monday, November 5, 2012


the delight in making
is a primitive source of Fire
and might rekindle individuals

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The OED word of the day for the erasure commentary is 'pyromania.'

Sunday, November 4, 2012



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The OED word of the day for the erasure commentary is 'ludology,' the study of games and game playing.

I couldn't resist googling "ludology + government grant" -- about 26K hits :)

Friday, November 2, 2012


True history
that can be seen and touched 
reveals the world's spiritual hunger,
its need for emotional and spiritual comfort

Walk on the Wild Side, Sugar,
Look for Beauty

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The  OED word of the day for the erasure commentary is
'soul food,' which dates back to 13th century Old English, i.e., waaay before grits were part of the conversation!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


The Emerald City
is paved with streets of gold —

leaves, that is

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The unused OED word of the day is 'souling,' which was the 7th century (!) great-great great-great... grandaddy of trick or treating.