Wednesday, February 15, 2012

a lock

a lock by Now:
fashion is
the immaculate
white T-shirt

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Courtesy of the OED, the word of the day for the erasure poem | commentary is 'quiff,'  a small curl of hair plastered down on the forehead.

Courtesy of my little brother, the tulips.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

a guarantee

in a state
of  uncontrollable
a guarantee
is a comfort
to have at hand

. . . . . . . .

The OED word of the day for the erasure poem| commentary is 'rampage.'

Friday, February 10, 2012


heavens, it’s raining.

News... Last night it was raining
It was pouring - 10 February

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The OED word of the day for the weather report is the adverb 'heavens.'

This one is another salute to Dickens, but it's also a keeper for the Puget Sound. Its primary usage is as an intensifier to describe heavy rain, i.e. "raining heavens hard."

Thursday, February 9, 2012


nights and days
made for the Rain
keeping watch
on February

. . . . . . .

The OED word of the day for the erasure poem | commentary is 'round the clock.'

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It is all very well
to sneer at February,
but there is much fun
much enlightenment

. . . . . . .

The OED word of the day for the erasure poem | commentary is the very Dickensian 'Podsnappery.' You can intuit its meaning without actually knowing that it refers to the insular complacency of John Podsnap. Is there such a thing as attitudinal onomatopoeia?

Another sketch from Fishermen's Terminal, featuring a boat named 'Summer Place,' which was almost what yesterday felt like! Not often calm enough to get such divine reflections.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


nothin' could be better
than to sketch
in perfect weather
with a friend

Monday, February 6, 2012

the old

ruled by the iniquities
of a tumultuous World
 —with all its terrors
and ignominy—
There is nothing analogous
to the condition of the old

the Observer is off and running

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The OED word of the day for the erasure poem | commentary is 'ochlocracy,' or 'mob rule' to those of us with a more pedestrian vocabulary.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Discovery & Wisdom

the choice
of a daily Walk

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The OED word of the day for the erasure poem | commentary is the adjective 'signal.'

Thursday, February 2, 2012

mysterious power

A wonder in there somewhere,
with mysterious power;


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The OED word of the day — apparently a nod to Punxsutawney Phil — used for the erasure poem | commentary is 'prognosticant.'

Today's picture isn't a sketch, but the beginning of a painting - one of Cuba's future 'beisbol' stars.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Life blooms
in favorite ideas …
little thoughtlets
to keep my mindlet happy!

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The delightful OED word of the day for the erasure poem | commentary is 'thoughtlet.'