Tuesday, September 18, 2012


wildfires across the mountains —
the sunrise aflame
. . . . . .

The unused (as usual, meaning too few words to work with) OED word of the day is 'quadrigarious.' I thought it kind of looked like "talking a lot from four mouths," but it has to do with chariots. Whatever, Oxford.

Sketched this from Roy St. Coffee before going to the Pteridomania event at Volunteer Park Conservatory. Now, there's a word!


Peggy said...

Ooh, I like that word Pteridomania.

Entering Seattle today, we noticed the haze. It's sad.

alkiart said...

We were told we would get to pot a fern to take home. I was expecting something around 4". Instead, had to rearrange furniture!

Can't imagine what it's like east of the mountains... sigh...